5 Ways to Validate and Clean Up Your CRM Data
Clean customer relationship management (CRM) data is an integral component of a successful data-driven marketing strategy. Along with ixperimint’s digital marketing consulting and guidance, we have provided five ways you can validate and clean up your CRM data.
(1) Purge or Merge Duplicate Data
Duplication of data may occur when several team members have entered the same data at separate times, or duplicate entries have been made with slight variations in each entry. Send out emails to your contact list and delete those that bounce back, merge similar entries, and set up a duplicate blocker in your CRM program.
(2) Limit Users Who Can Edit Data
In addition to the previous step, limiting how many individuals are allowed to make edits to your CRM program can reduce duplications and general flaws in the data. Instead of giving all of your team members full administrative access, allow only a select few to have this permission.
(3) Keep Standard Data Entry Processes
The next step is to create a process that enters customer data consistently based on necessary information. This could include metrics such as name, address, phone number, and job title. Using standardized data can help streamline this process.
(4) Create a Cleansing Schedule
CRM cleansing is a process that should be regularly maintained. Now that your data entries are duplicate-free and organized, set up a manual schedule or install software that will regularly perform data and analytics auditing by checking for duplications, flagging missing information, and archiving outdated data.
(5) Use Data Cleansing Tools and an Integrated Platform
Employing a data management company or data cleansing tools will monitor inaccurate data with less burden on your time and resources. Using an integrated platform will also create a well-rounded organizational process by pulling all relevant data that can be stored and shared in one place.
To learn more about CRM data management or our performance driven digital consulting services at ixperimint, contact us today!